EXCLUSIVE: Telstra is set to launch an expanded entertainment platform with an upgrade to their T Box offering, a new Samsung application that combines free to air TV, BigPond movies and music into a new unified application that will be available on Samsung devices including their Smart TV.
The carrier is also set to launch between now and Xmas new entertainment applications for Android devices including smartphone and tablets.
This will give Android users access to thousands of movies, TV and Foxtel content as well as access to several new Telstra applications.
Telstra is currently rolling out Foxtel to their T Box in a move that could significantly expand Foxtel subscribers because of the low $20 a month cost of accessing Foxtel programs.
Ben Kinealy the Director of IPTV, T Box and Pay TV at Telstra said “We have significantly upgraded our T Box offering by rewriting software that allows us to deliver an even faster service this involves the use of the WideVine DRM system. We have also developed a consolidated app for use by Samsung that combines applications free to air TV and our BigPond movies into one application. This will be launched shortly”.
Kinealy said that Telstra was also close to launching new applications and an upgraded entertainment offering for owners of Android tablets and Smartphones. Smarthouse understands that this will involve the launch of a Foxtel on an Android tablet service.
Key to the expansion of Telstra’s entertainment and application offerings is the use of the Widevine DRM and video optimisation media player technology that is capable of delivering HD quality entertainment content to internet-connected devices such as media players, TV’s tablets and digital set top boxes.
According to several Telstra sources carrier management are looking to offer a solution where Telstra content including movies and music can be delivered to multiple devices. Media content providers such as Hollywood Studio and Music Companies have backed the Widevine DRM system now being used by Telstra for deliver to all forms of devices that connect to the Internet.
Widevine claims that their multiplatform DRM provides the capability for Telstra to license securely distribute and protect playback of multimedia content on any consumer device.
Content owners, MSOs and Internet digital media providers can utilise Widevine’s solutions to ensure revenue generating services keep flowing to whatever device consumer’s desire. Widevine adds an additional layer of post decryption copy protection for monitoring and responding to stream recorders and screen scrapers which pirate content.
Widevine has claims that its software natively supports nearly all major brands of consumer electronics.