Vertere Release Digital Motor Drive For Vinyl Turntables


Audio aficionados know that part of the alchemy that makes for a perfect record player setup involves having a motor that runs as smoothly and quietly as possible. Considering the motor is the only mechanical element in a record player, it makes sense. It powers the belt, which spins the record over the stylus – so it’s a fairly vital piece of machinery.

Vertere is now shipping its latest revolution: a digital Tempo precision motor drive.

Basically, the drive controls the motor, lowering distortion and noise with microprocessor-based circuitry that provides a pure sine wave digitally, before converting this to analogue through an on board DAC. “Two waveforms are derived,” the specs note, “a cosine and a sine, which are then amplified using two bridged amplifiers to power the motor.”

This brings the performance of your vinyl record closer to the master recording, the ultimate goal with musical formats.

“Any amount of noise or fluctuation in the drive system will adversely impact on the music,” Vertere explain in a press release. “Detail, dynamics, timbre, timing and musicality are just some of the qualities that will suffer as a result.”

Contact your Vertere dealer to find out pricing.

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