Toshiba has confirmed that they are close to launching a stunning new TV which will include the 64bit “Cell processor” which is the power processor used in Sony’s new PS3 Playstation. It will also include a Blu ray player and a 1TB recorder in one unit and have a resolution three times greater than current 1080p TV’s. First tipped by SmartHouse in January 2009 the new LED powerhouse TV could be on sale in Australia by early 2010. It will go on sale in Japan in December 2009 and be shown at the 2010 CES show Toshiba has confirmed.
Called the “Cell Regza” the TV is so powerful that it is capable recording six HD TV channels at once while up scaling 1080p content to 3840 X 2160p.
We are also told that it will have a 1 Terabyte storage system built into the cell processor’s personal video recorder. The Cell Broadband Engine was initially developed by IBM, Sony and Toshiba but is now owned by Toshiba with royalties being paid to Sony and IBM.
Masaaki Oosumi, president of Toshiba’s Digital Media Network Company said “The new Cell Processor TV bring together Toshiba imaging, storage and network technologies”.
He added “It will be Toshiba’s flagship model in the true sense. It is the ultimate entertainment machine that brings more excitement than a movie in a theatre. I would like to let users experience the same sensation as they felt by watching a colour TV for the first time.”
He did not reveal the exact specifications of the new TV. At the 2009 CES SmartHouse was shown the Cell processor which is capable of delivering images to a screen at 3 times the quality of current 1080p resolution.
Toshiba will announce the specifications of the Cell TV within days, he said. As for the pricing, said that it will be “fairly expensive” Oosumi said.
The heart of the new Sony PS3, Sony has spent the last three year singing the praises of the Cell processor before the cash strapped Company suddenly sold the manufacturing of the processor to Toshiba who are now set to deliver a series of offerings featuring a cell processor.