The death of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin is being used by porn operators to attract customers to web sites, an investigation by SmartHouse has revealed. Under the guise of pretending to have exclusive video of his death on the Great Barrier Reef operators are luring customers into downloading shocking porn videos.
In search engine listings the porn operators are using the words “Steve Irwin Dies-Last moments on film pulling a poisonous stingray barb from his chest in his dying moments”.
The only problem is that the video is not of Steve Irwin dying but hard core pornographic video involving animals. The video also appears next to pornographic images of Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee.
SmartHouse was alerted to the video by a reader who had been looking for video of Steve Irwin’s death. Using Lime Wire peer to peer software to search for a copy of the video the reader discovered several listings for the video.
When he downloaded the video he discovered the pornographic images. An investigation by SmartHouse revealed over 30 listings including recently released genuine videos of Steve Irwin along with several porn videos linked to his name.
Irwin’s freakish death was captured on camera as he snorkeled above a large bull stingray in shallow water on the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland.
The genuine video shows Irwin ripping the ray’s barb out of his chest just before he lost consciousness and died, said his manager John Stainton, who accompanied Irwin’s body back from Cairns when the incident happened 14 months ago.
At th3e time Mr Stainton said the footage of Irwin being hit by the barb was “shocking”.
“It’s a very hard thing to watch because you’re actually witnessing somebody die … and it’s terrible.
“It shows that Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him here (in the chest), and he pulled it out and the next minute he’s gone.”
Shortly after the incident the family of Steve Irwin decided that no video of the crocodile hunter’s death would be revealed.
SmartHouse was unable to contact the Irwin family or management for Steve Irwin’s interests. When we do we will bring you their comments.