After a falling out with Syntec, Tannoy has appointed Audio Products to distribute its consumer and professional/installed sound products in Australia, from 1 July 2010.”Tannoy’s decision to entrust the fortunes of its historic brand to APG reflects our commitment to build a business that operates as three distinct, specialist streams, focussing on Consumer HiFi, Pro Audio and Installed Sound respectively,” explained Ken Dwyer, APG’s Managing Director.
“We are very proud to be able to work with Tannoy. I am confident that Tannoy’s portfolio of innovative, high-quality products will complement our existing loudspeaker offerings, and strengthen our presence in the consumer, professional and installed sound markets.” he said.
As APG announced that it would be distributing Tannoy, the company acknowledged Syntec (the outgoing distributor) for its contribution to the brand over many years, and pledged to work with them to ensure that the transition will be smooth for all parties.
Read the original story here.