Online bonking by professional porn stars is about to be video fingerprinted using new technology to track copyright infringement, the Adult Entertainment Trade Association has said following a big decline in DVD sales. They also warn that illegal porn downloads are often infected with viruses.
According to the porn industry association, porn piracy is hurting the bottom line of the industry with porn stars now resorting to making a video to push their cause. They claim that they pay taxes, have families and that piracy is taking their jobs.The Adult Entertainment Trade Association claims that DVD sales are down at least a third because of DVD counterfeiting and so-called internet “tube” porn sites that sometimes infect viewers’ computers with malware and spyware. Credible piracy figures are not available, as the porn business is run largely by private companies, the coalition says.
“What we’re trying to communicate in these new videos, is that this is not just hurting the big companies like Larry Flynt, but the people who work in production, the performers, the sideline businesses like makeup artists,” says Joanne Cachapero, the coalition’s membership coordinator, in a telephone interview Thursday. “Piracy is really a problem for our industry in terms of dropping revenues. This is what we’re trying to communicate to the consumer.”
Cachapero says the porn industry is years behind the anti-piracy efforts of the recording industry and the mainstream motion-picture industry. Those efforts include lobbying, digital rights management and even litigation.
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