After being unveiled last week at the I/O Google developers conference, the AI powered Google News app is now available to download on iOS.
The iOS app is divided into four sections: for you, headlines, favourites and newsstand.
The ‘for you’ section is where the AI gets to work and sources the news it thinks you’ll like based on what you’ve read and what has been put in your favourites.
For AI functionality, Google says the more you use the app the better the AI gets when it comes to story a user will enjoy reading.
The favourites tab shows all the topics, sources, locations, saved searches and saved stories.
The headlines section shows all the top stories from various news outlets. Each story has a ‘full coverage feature’ where it provides a complete picture of how that story is reported from a variety of sources. It shows stories from different sources, videos, local news reports, FAQs, social commentary, and a timeline for stories that have played out over time.
The Newsstand tab is where a user can follow certain publications and scroll through various genres like tech, food and hot topics like the Commonwealth Games.
At the moment Google is experimenting with a visual format called newscasts where a collection of articles, videos and quotes are put together in one thread about one story.