Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, have agreed to face voters’ questions on Wednesday night in a forum organised by The Daily Telegraph which will air exclusively on Sky News.
Last week Gillard who was calling on Tony Abbott to debate her after initally decling an offer of three debates.
Both leaders have agreed to appear in a town hall-style public forum hosted by SKY NEWS Political Editor David Speers that will air LIVE on SKY NEWS (Channel 601) on FOXTEL and Austar on Wednesday, August 11 at 6:00pm.
Speers said “Modern election campaigns have been criticised for being too controlled. We’re bringing back some old fashioned face-to-face campaigning to give voters a good look at the real Julia Gillard and real Tony Abbott.”
With only two weeks remaining until the federal election, Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott have agreed to appear together at Rooty Hill RSL in the heart of Western Sydney in a battle to win over undecided voters.
200 undecided voters chosen by the Galaxy polling company will question the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition separately on their policies and topics that matter to them including the economy, education and health care as well as both leaders’ vision for the country’s future.