It was only launched on Friday and already owners of the new Nintendo Switch are up in arms, after it emerged that users can’t switch or store games.
The Wall Street Journal has described the new gaming machine as “like playing a Beta Test”.
Prior to the release of the Nintendo Switch which was only sent out to selected reviewers, who in the past have delivered “positive” reviews for Nintendo the Japanese Company failed to let these same reviewers see or even try their online store.
For the simple reason and unlike the Sony Playstation or the Microsoft Xbox there was no online store, no online multiplayer gaming and no nongame apps for reviewers to see.
The WSJ said that ‘In terms of processing power, it doesn’t measure up to the latest PlayStation and Xbox consoles, which offer high dynamic range, or HDR, gaming, 4K video streaming and far better graphics’.
It’s also emerged that problems have emerged because the internal memory is primarily taken up by Switch system files.
The UK Daily Mail is describing the problem as a “design flaw” that transports players back in time in.
It appears that there is a problem with the save process on the Switch. This has been confirmed by an alert on the Companies Japanese website.
The problem could result in players losing saved data or force them to delete older files
The FAQ section said that ‘Game save data cannot be saved or copied to a microSD card.’
This means that players who accidentally delete their save games, suffer damage to their consoles or who eventually decide to trade or upgrade, will be unable to transfer their data.
Owners who find themselves filling up the internal 32GB of memory, will have to compete with 6.1 GB of data which is taken up by system data. Log files also take up additional data.
During the past week owners, have vented their anger on social media resulting in a major backlash for the Japanese Company.
ThatDudeKeemSly questioned: ‘Is it true that Nintendo switch saves are non-transferrable or don’t save to the cloud so if it messes up you have to restart game?’
User Sailor Samara said: ‘So your game files save directly to the console, not on the game cartridge nor SD card. that is dumb!!’
Supergoodpixel added: ‘If your internal store fills up + u no longer have any space to data you will have to go nuking.’
The switch has a 6.2-inch screen with a resolution of up to 1280-by-720 pixels.
In the early days of console gaming, Nintendo Game Boy, players were unable to save their progress at all.
This resulted in fans leaving their console switched on while they took a break or to play compulsively until they had completed the game.
In a statement to gaming website Kotaku, a spokesman for Nintendo said: ‘At this time, it is not possible to transfer save data from one Nintendo Switch system to another.’