Their Pop Up TV Was A Flop Now LG Is Having A Crack At Transparent OLED TV


What is it about LG Electronics and their gimmick TV’s that end up in the dead and buried graveyard, first up it was 3D TVs that were quickly killed off, then came their over priced rollable TV, this time round it’s a $100,000 transparent TV that the South Korean Company is trying to get consumers to buy.

Rolled out at CES 2024 LG’s new 77″ transparent TV is not as expensive as their rollable TV that was introduced at CES 2029 and was pulled from the market in 2024 due in part to high failure rates, warranty claims and a small audience for a pop-up TV that cost over $110,000.lg rollable tv ces 2019 key visual Their Pop Up TV Was A Flop Now LG Is Having A Crack At Transparent OLED TV

The new OLED T, as LG is calling their latest offering, has a transparent mode for when it is idle, and an opaque mode when activated with the push of a button.

When people actually want to watch a TV show up pops a black canvas behind the transparent OLED panel to make it look more like a traditional OLED TV.LG T Transparent TV 3 Their Pop Up TV Was A Flop Now LG Is Having A Crack At Transparent OLED TV

As for quality LG used demo reels and a prototype model at CES to demonstrate their latest gimmick TV.

To operate it you also need one of LGs big black Zero Connect boxes, one side benefit is that the always-on display mode can showcase artwork, videos, photos and widgets.

The latest LG OLED T is already attracting critics with Charles Gimbert on at FlatpanelsHD telling LG to “Stop with the outrageous pricing. The benefits of OLED, we were told, were unmatched contrast and black levels-check, barely an electrical footprint-nope, and eventually, lower cost to make than LCD-nope”.LG Transparent TV scaled Their Pop Up TV Was A Flop Now LG Is Having A Crack At Transparent OLED TV

As for OLED he claims, “They may not be cheaper to make than a regular LCD, but I’m guessing they should be closed after 12 years but also less than mini-led TVs of the same size”.

“It was the reason everyone was giving up on LCD and moving to OLED price. Why is LG not competing in the XL segment of TVs? They are essentially letting Hisense and TCL bury OLED into an afterthought.

“As far as this transparent TV, great, neat, but not at $60 grand. $10-15 grand, maybe. Even rich people still know what things are worth and I am guessing they won’t be biting in large numbers. It didn’t work for the rollable and it won’t work for this thing, either”.

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